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How Vidi tells your home’s unique story
  1. Starting The Journey: Each home that Vidi chooses to sell stands out and inspires her in its own right. As she gets to know the nuances of each home, she strategizes the best way to have it make its debut into the marketplace. Her success is made in how she analyzes the property and figures out the type of buyer who would appreciate it.

  2. Finding The Match: Vidi loves to sell homes with character, and she sells them to people who fall in love with the story of the home as she tells it. Sometimes she finds a love for the land a home is built on and the ocean view she needs to showcase, and sometimes it’s the beautiful architecture and history of the home itself. But, regardless of where she finds beauty, she accentuates those features that distinguish your home.

  3. Telling The Story: Once Vidi is fully invested in a property, she is ready to craft a strategic strategy tailored to the home and its potential buyers. Vidis’ incredible group of videographers and photographers capture the home’s best features and she uses that to build a presence online and in print advertising around the world.

  4. Making The Deal: Closing any home sale is full of obstacles that can quickly become overwhelming without the help of an experienced partner. During the due-diligence period, Vidi is able to take the stress off by seeing the home through the eyes of an inspector and expertly guiding you through repairs. For every step of the process, she is standing by with a variety of solutions and options.

  5. Anticipating Your Needs: When Vidi is representing your home, she will give more than just a quick response. She will anticipate your needs and answer questions before they have been asked. She will always keep you up to date on how the market is doing and will be ready to answer all of your questions as they arise.

  6. Our Job Is Never Done: From the moment Vidi first meets with you to beyond the close of escrow she will be by your side for all the challenges and joys of selling your home. Whether this is your first home with Vidi or your third, you’re starting an exciting adventure with her and she is thrilled to be your partner. When managing the issues big or small she is always just a phone call away.
